Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Looking Back on 2015

 This year was a lot of fun on the blog.  I completed a year of capsule wardrobes, finished many minimalism projects, did my first attempts at vlogging and made some amazing "bloggy" friends.  It has been a great year!  Here is a look back at some of my favourite posts:

Capsule Wardrobe Posts:

Fall Capsule Wardrobe Recap
Summer Capsule Wardrobe Recap
Spring Wardrobe In Review
Winter Capsule Wardrobe- Likes and Dislikes

Minimalism Projects:

Minimalism Week #19- Command Centre
Minimalism Week # 22- Spare Room Part 2
Minimalism/Organization Project #25
Minimalism/Organization Project #28- The Hall Closet

Peaceful and Simple Posts:

Contentment & Letting Go of Bitterness
10 Free Ways to De-Stress
Tuesday Talk: Handing It On Up
Peaceful Simple Holidays

High Five For Friday:

High Five For Friday- 27.02.15
High Five For Friday- 05.06.15
High Five For Friday- 17.07.15
High Five for Friday- 9.10.15

I have really enjoyed getting to know you all over the past year.  This has been a fun year of blogging and I really cherish all of the blogging friendships I have made over the past year!

Wishing you all the best in 2016!


  1. I've enjoyed getting to know you this year, Ashley!

    Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort

    1. Thank you, Whitney! I have really enjoyed getting to know you, too! Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year, Ashley! I'm so glad you did Vlogtober this year so that I could find out about you and your blog!

    1. Thanks, Emily! I am glad I got to meet you, too!

  3. Congratulations on your accomplishments this year! Good luck in 2016. :)

    Kayla @ a paper arrow.
